Customer Testimonials

Here's What Our Customer Say About Us

Private ColegeICD Business School:
"Private Colege"

We first used the services of O'Brien and Co. when our business had just started in 2002. At that time we were in start up mode and required only basic accounting services. Over the past decade our business has grown substantially, we could only have achieved this growth with a number of factors being in play. Some of these factors has been the financial advice and guidance provided to us by O'Brien and Co., that now includes Audit, Tax and sound common sense. Our business has prospered over these years, indeed we have recently moved to a larger more prestigious premises which we believe has resulted from in part, Tom O'Brien's mentoring.

On a personal level we have developed a friendship with Tom O'Brien and his team that goes beyond the business level, this is unusual, but very welcome in an ever impersonal business world. I would recommend O'Brien & Co. to anyone who wants an excellent financial service coupled with traditional personal attention.

Singer Song WriterDeclan O’Rourke:
"Singer - Songwriter"

Tom O'Brien of O'Brien and Co. Accountants is the most personable, professional and practical accountant I have ever had. It is a pleasure to do business with this intelligent firm who have been taking care of my finances for over four years now. It is also a pleasure to have my calls and e-mails answered in a timely fashion, a courtesy I rarely received with any of the larger, more expensive firms to whom I gave my business in the past. Tom's knowledge and experience has been indispensable in the setting up, day-to-day running and maintenance of my business. I would recommend O'Brien and Co. to anybody seeking shrewd, affordable accounting.

IT & Reception servicesCapel Communications:
"IT & Reception services"

Our relationship with O'Brien and Co. started in 2003 with a rather simple IT project. As a direct result of great customer service and exceptional results with our IT projects, our relationship with O'Brien and Co. has expanded to almost all other areas of the firm.

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